Software Developer
The creative brain behind the computer programs we use every day, from mobile apps for consumers to specialized software that is critical for businesses, hospitals or schools.
If job growth and security is important, look into a career as a software developer. You will develop solutions that serve user needs and drive innovation and, from a corporate perspective, a competitive advantage.
Software developers have several responsibilities depending on the role and employer. Some may write code to build and support a company’s systems, applications and platforms. Others may work with a team of developers to build and support web-based software applications. They may work with computer hardware engineers to integrate developed software with existing hardware systems.
Most software developers have at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering or computer programming.
entry level salary estimate
experienced level salary estimate
projected annual job openings
Programs for Software Developers
East Texas A&M University (BSCIS degree)
Grayson College (AAS degree, certificates)
Midwestern State University (BA, BS degrees)
North Central Texas College (AAS degrees, certificates)
Southeastern Oklahoma State University (BS degree)
Texas Woman’s University (BS degree)
Tyler Junior College (AS degree)
University of North Texas (BS degree)
University of North Texas at Dallas (BA degree)
Discover your future in STEM/IT.
Fascinated by science and technology? If you want to be at the forefront of using cutting-edge technologies or making scientific discoveries, you can pursue your passion with a career in STEM/IT. Many opportunities exist in this fast-growing area, from scientists and engineers to software and web developers – and in many different industries, from telecommunications and healthcare to construction and manufacturing. For most STEM/IT careers, you’ll need an associate or bachelor’s degree.
Additional In Demand Careers in STEM/IT
Architectural and Civil Drafter
Calibration Technologist or Technician
Computer Systems Analyst
Computer User Support Specialist
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologist or Technician
Electrical Engineer
Industrial Engineer
Industrial Engineering Technologist or Technician
Mechanical Engineer
Network and Computer Systems Administrator
Software Quality Assurance Analyst or Tester
Web Developer/Video Game Designer
Texas Labor Market Information, Texas Workforce Commission. Statewide wages by occupation, 2021. Statewide projections by occupation, 2020-2030.
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